Raphaël Bélanger

B.A. Anthropology and Minor in Sexual Studies

Research interests

  • Gambling
  • Drugs
  • Harm reductions
  • Organisms “by and for”
  • Destigmatization
  • Research projects
    • Gambling, harm reduction, and stigma
    • This research project focuses on harm reduction (MRS) strategies designed to mitigate the negative consequences that gambling can be caused, without necessarily attempting to reduce gambling as such.
    • The harm reduction model was originally designed to mitigate the risks associated with injection drugs, particularly HIV and Hepatitis C.
    • Read the MRS used by local organizations “by and for”, such as “the Association Québécoise pour la promotion de la santé des personnes utilisateurs de drogues (AQPSUD)”.
    • Identify MRS’s that aim to reduce stigma, considering that gambling players are often subject to it, which can pose a challenge for those who want to seek help.